Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Journal 13

Care- A- Lot Easter Party

April 10 @ 3:00 p.m.

Please make sure your child brings his/her basket. We only have a limited supply of extra baskets. After the Easter hunt, the children will attend back to there rooms and have a liitle party. Parents are more than welcome to join the fun!! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

journal 12

Activity 8.3 page 138

1. Susie has made the most progress in her abilty to follow directions. When we are at the art table, i always give directions on what we will be doing and Susie is always talking or playing with things on the shelf, but here the last couple of weeks she has been paying attention to what is going on and to my directions.

2. The activity that Susie enjoys the most is sensory time. We have two tables the children can work at, the water table and the playdough table. When it's time for sensory play Susie is at her happiest. She loves to make things with the playdough and pour the water in and out of cups at the water table.

3. Susie is most attentive and excited when it's story time. There are certain books that she likes and i always try and pick certain books the kids love to listen too. Panda Bear Panda Bear is her favorite.

4. The best form of redirection for Susie is getting her mind focused on something else she enjoys or her being my big helper. She really likes to help Mrs. Kaliee put class art in their correct folders. She does it almost everyday.

5. An objective that you could work on with Susie is sharing. You could read books to her about sharing and also you can do things around the house that shows Susie what you mean by sharing something with someone.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Journal 11

When someone is telling me something, i try to give that person 100 percent of my attention. But if that person is telling me something i know i should be remembering then i always ave to go write it down. It can be a notebook, sticky pad, or even writing a memo on my phone. I have problems remembering what everyone is saying bacause there is always someone telling me something and then the next day asks me if i remember what they said, so of course for me to be addiquite with the right information i write everything down.

How would i reach parents who are visual? I would write down what i have to tell them but incorperate pictures to help them understand.

How would i reach parents who are auditory? I would talk to them personally or call them by phone if they have trouble reading and understand better if told to where they can hear what your saying.

How would i reach parents who are kiniesthic? I would show the parent what i was talking about. I would have them observe there child in a situation that i was wanting there help on.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Journal 10

Health Alert

It has been said and provin that a child here at the center has the flu.

What is it?

The flu virus can enter through your eyes, nose, and mouth.

How it's spread?

Children sharing toys, sneezing on one another, coughing on one another, and it can also be airborn.

What to look for?

. high fever
. headackes
. tiredness/weakness
. dry cough
. sore throught
. runny nose
. body ackes
. diarrhea and vomiting

What you can do?

Wash hands frequently, keep children home if they are sick, and wipe doen countertops and doorknobs very often through out the day.

What we are doing to prevent the spread:

. All toys have been cleaned daily
. All sheets and blankets have been washed
. All parents have been notified
. Children aren't allowed back without a doctors note

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Journal 9

Policy added to my handbook.

When parents bring outside food in the center that had been cooked at home, i don't think that should be allowed. So i would write up a policy that says, there is no outside cooked food allowed in the building due to allergy problems among the children, we don't need to take any risks. Store bought food only. Please check with teacher to see what is appropriate to bring.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Journal 7

Rules for dressing for success.

1. wear age appropriate attire.
2. always look prepared for the position you are apllying for.
3. wear clothes that fit. outfits that don't look like they are to big or too small.

Dressing for success.

   Dressing for success in childcare can sometimes be hard. If you are a director you need to wear bussiness like attire. Straight pants, with nice lined shirt, and fitted shoes. If you are a teacher, some places have you wear scrubs and other places have you where nice jeans or khakis with a bussiness logo shirt. Where i work i have to where nice jeans with the company logo shirt, everyday.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Journal 6

1. The teacher underlined on a piece of paper and put it on her door to the classroom, that the mother had note wrote down the fathers name, even though it wasn't anyones bussiness that there wasn't a father involved.
2. The teacher send a note home to all the parents addressing the issues of Eric, so they would be aware if he came to their house.
3.  Yes. If they thought Eric's behavior was to much to handle then they shouldn't had enrolled him.
4. the directors, teachers, and parent.
5. Yes. If the teacher wold have talked to the clas before he arrived then the children might have treated him better and Eric wouldn't have felt so bad on his first day.
6. Let Eric meet the kids and teacher before starting his new school. Take a tour around the building and meet some of the staff.
7. Terriable. Even outside of work, you don't need to talk about issues that are confident and to where everyone could hear you.
8. Still unexceptable. If issues are confident, don't talk about them.
9. Put Eric's teachers on probation for treating a child like that and make sure Erics stay is a lot more like home; comfortable.
10. No. Even if the director tries to make things better, those teachers and kids was aweful to Eric and that can't be errased from him memory.
11. A child with Eric's learning disabilities and needs to have stability, and moving him from place to place will make him be withdrawn from other children.